Pioneering Excellence - VNU-CEA Recap of a Productive 2023
On 18 January 2024, VNU-CEA held the Conference of 2023 year-end summary in Hanoi. This event was attended by representatives of MOET,  representatives of VNU,  VNU-CEA Board together with all civil servants and officials.
Overview of the VNU-CEA Conference of 2023 year-end summary
Delegates of the VNU-CEA Conference of 2022 year-end summary taking photo
Attending the Conference, on behalf of the MOET, there was Mr. Nguyen Thai Son, Deputy Head of Education Quality Accreditation Department, Department of Quality Management, MOET. On the side of VNU, there was Mr. Pham Vuong, Deputy Head of the Personnel Organization Department. On the side of the VNU-CEA, there was Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien, Director; Associate Professor, PhD. Dinh Van Toan, Deputy Director, and all accreditors, experts, officers, and employees of VNU-CEA.
Dr. Ta Thi Thu Hien - VNU-CEA Director presented the final report for 2023 of VNU-CEA
With the determination and political stability of all VNU-CEA members, the close support and direction of VNU, the assistance from MOET, VNU-CEA has successfully completed their tasks and exceeded all targets of 2023. At the conference, the delegates heard impressive numbers and achievements that VNU-CEA achieved in 2023.
Mr. Nguyen Thai Son in his speech
Speaking at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Thai Son acknowledged and praised the continuous efforts and achievements of VNU-CEA to successfully complete the tasks set out in 2022. Mr. Nguyen Thai Son directed, in the coming time, VNU-CEA should continue to promote the pioneering spirit, research and find new directions to stabilize and develop worthy of being a leading accreditation organization and continuing to make contributions to the higher education of Vietnam.
Some photos of the Conference:
VNU Center for Education Accreditation
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