From 01-07 December 2022,
VNU-CEA in collaboration with Hanoi University of Education to assess 09
bachelor programs of this university including: Geography and Education, Philology
and Education, History and Education, Mathematics and Education, Physics and
Education, Civic Education, Physical Education and Sport, Vietnamese Studies, Psychology
and Education. Overview of
the Opening Ceremony of Site Visit The Assessment Team whom
leader was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Duy Cam has carried out professional activities
such as: checking documents and evidence, inspecting facilities, working
conditions, library, laboratories, ect, interviewing stakeholders, working with
the university’s leaders. Assessment Team checked
documents, interviewed stakeholders and check facilities Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Duy Cam - Assessment Team
Leader presented preliminary results of the external assessment report The report summary of
Actual Site Visit to assess 06 programs of Hanoi University of Education was
signed at the end of the closing ceremony. |