On December 10, 2023, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) solemnly celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Government's promulgation of the Decree on its establishment and 117 years of tradition in Hoa Lac.
Mr. Do Van Chien, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front
attended the ceremony and awarded the First Class Labour Order to VNU
Using all resources to promote the potential of VNU

The celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Government’s promulgation of the Decree on VNU’s establishment and its 117 years of tradition is a significant milestone in VNU’s history. This is also a valuable opportunity to extend VNU’s gratitude to the Party and State leaders as well as its national and international partners; and especially, to honour generations of faculty and students for their contributions to VNU’s development, thereby upholding the traditions, promoting the core values; fostering belief, strengthening the spirit of solidarity and consensus in implementing VNU’s development strategy in the new period. This is also a special occasion for VNU to review, evaluate the achievements and the learned lessons as well as to plan major strategies, directions to bring VNU to a higher position in the new context of the country and the world.

VNU was honoured to receive congratulations and flower baskets from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, and Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue.
Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front Do Van Chien
delivered a speech at the ceremony

Mr. Do Van Chien, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front, extended his warmest congratulations to generations of VNU’s leaders, lecturers, scientists, students for their tireless efforts over the years.

Over the past 30 years, generations of staff, faculty, and students of VNU have relentlessly strived and overcome numerous challenges; achieved significant accomplishments in training, research, technology transfer and country development service; gained significant national reputation and steadily increased its international standing.

“The achievements of the 30-year implementation of a multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral university model have highlighted VNU’s glorious 117-year tradition, making a significant contribution to the country’s development and protection; deserving the recognition of the Party and the State with the Gold Star Order and many other noble rewards”, said Mr. Do Van Chien.

He urged VNU to thoroughly understand the Resolution of the 8th Session of the Party Central Committee. He also encouraged the prompt submission of proposals with solutions regarding mechanisms and resources to the Government for consideration and approval in order to fully realize the potential of VNU, especially for building VNU Town in Hoa Lac into a symbol of intelligence, a source of inspiration for learning, research, innovation, and cooperative development among Vietnamese higher education institutions.
The journey of perseverance in innovating the multidisciplinary university model
Decree No. 97/CP promulgated in 1993 defined VNU as a major multidisciplinary training and research centre conducting training and research attached to practice, and assigned with the task of providing high-quality experts and human resources in science and technology as well as academic support to other higher education institutions. VNU, as a central-level public service unit using a seal bearing the national Emblem, operates under the Decree of the Government and Operation regulations issued by the Prime Minister, with VNU Board of Presidents appointed by the Prime Minister; has high autonomy in training and research, finance and personnel; and has been prioritized with an area of more than 1,200 hectares for building VNU Town in Hoa Lac.
VNU President Le Quan reviewed the achievements and lessons of VNU
Addressing the celebration ceremony, VNU President Le Quan said that VNU was proud to inherit the glorious 117-year-long history and traditions of the University of Indochina (1906), Vietnam National University (1945, and the University of Hanoi (1956), including vision thinking, high quality training, academic excellence, active international integration; talent nurturing and training; pioneering and innovation spirit with high readiness to serve the nation.
Gradually completing the multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral organizational structure
To date, VNU has almost completed its   multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral organizational structure with 37 units. VNU’s training and research units operate with an open mechanism under VNU’s management and coordination, and share its scientists and scholars, technical facilities and technological infrastructure.
Currently, VNU is offering over 500 training programs with about 60,000 learners including nearly 1,000 international students. From 1993 to present, there have been about 280,000 VNU graduates including 230,000 bachelors, 43,000 masters, nearly 3,000 doctors, among others.
VNU is also a unit that has its own policy for successful student recruitment for basic sciences; Gifted students of VNU’s high schools have won 240 international Olympiad medals including 77 golds, 87 silvers, and 76 bronzes.
VNU presented flowers to show gratitude to generations of leaders
Heading for the future

Sharing the national aspiration, continuing the 117 years of glorious traditions, VNU is advancing with highly-specific strategies and goals along with two major new factors affecting all activities of VNU in the current context, namely university autonomy and infrastructure development.

The construction of a smart, modern, sustainable VNU town in Hoa Lac with regional standards is to accommodate 25,000 students by 2025, and a hundred-thousand population by 2030, including 80,000 students and around 10,000 faculty and staff members, turning the town into an innovative centre associated with businesses. VNU is also determined to become the core centre of Hoa Lac City within Hanoi Capital.

As for faculty development, apart from maintaining the tradition of talent incubation and nurturing, VNU will focus on talent attraction with a flexible and effective mechanism, creating an enabling environment for eminent scholars to fully utilize their professional capacity, expertise and potentials to generate quality, valuable products with instrumental contributions to the country’s socio-economic development.

Concerning training, quality continues to be a core value and principle of action for VNU. VNU attaches great importance to discovering and fostering talent, considering training in basic sciences/experts/scientists/university lecturers as a fundamental task; promotes training in engineering technology, creativity, and arts; promotes application and practice training; focuses on international standard training, comprehensive student development with high expertise, integrative competence, cultural awareness, adherence to national traditions, and good physical health.

Regarding research and innovation, VNU continues to exploit its strengths in cooperation with 12 Northwest provinces along with coastal provinces for fostering socio-economic development of the coastal areas; promote the linkage between investors and businesses in key economic zones. In this process, the merging of Ha Tinh University to VNU will facilitate research and transfer related to marine economy and promote cooperation with the neighboring friends of Laos PDR and Cambodia.

On this occasion, VNU was awarded the First class Labour Order as the State’s recognition of its outstanding contributions to the nation’s construction and protection.
Within the framework of the celebration, VNU leaders awarded Medals "For the development of VNU" to 162 individuals within VNU and beyond to recognize and appreciate their outstanding achievements, contributions to the building and development of VNU over the past 30 years.
VNU’s leaders awarded the Medal for the development of VNU
VNU Center for Education Accreditation
Add: 6th Floor, HT2 Building, VNU Town in Hoa Lac, Thach That District, Ha Noi
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